
ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS has released the first volume of Journal titled Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond Vol. 1, No. 2 Year 2020. This second publication consisted of six selected journal articles. Those six journal articles titled as follows: Myanmar Government’s Response to the Emergency Condition of Humanity and Health Crisis in the COVID-19 Pandemic The Response of the Philippine Government in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis of Lao PDR’S Policy The Successful Policy of Lao PDR’S Policy on Responding COVID-19 Thailand Government Strategy and Policy in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis of the Response and Efforts of the Government of Vietnam in Tackling COVID-19 ASEAN Response to the COVID-19 in the Economic, Health and Tourism Sector For the full text of the journal articles mentioned, please click here. Shall you have any inquiries related to the Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please send us an email to adabjournal@mail.uns.ac.id. If you are interested to get your article published in Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please click here and you will be forwarded to the Online Submission step.  
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ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS has released the first volume of Journal titled Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond Vol. 1, No. 1 Year 2020. This first volume consisted of six selected journal articles. Those six journal articles titled as follows: Potential and Threat Analysis Towards Cybersecurity in South East Asia Singapore in Efforts to Increase the Air Pollution Index The Effects of Politics and Humanity Issue on Tourism Sector Development in Myanmar The Role of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in trying Khmer Rouge Human Rights Offender in Cambodia Urgency of Indonesian Waters Area Protection from Illegal Unreported Unregulated Fishing ASEAN’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Political and Security Sector For the full text of the journal articles mentioned, please click here. Shall you have any inquiries related to the Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please send us an email to adabjournal@mail.uns.ac.id. If you are interested to get your article published in Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please click here and you will be forwarded to the Online Submission step.  
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ASEAN Studies Center on Friday (23/9/2016) held a seminar which consisted of book review titled “Kedah Dua Milenia” by Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani, Director of Institut Pemikiran Dr. Tun Mahathir Mohammad Universiti Utara Malaysia, and public lecture infront of students of International Relations Major FISIP, UNS. Speakers at this activity were the author of the book, namely Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani along with a historian from Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. A. Susanto and guided by the head of ASEAN Center Studies, Drs. Ign Agung Satyawan, SE, S.Ikom, MSi, PhD. Through this seminar, the output expected was the establishment of a deeper mutual understanding between the two neighboring countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia, who have a long history of relation which proved with the affiliation of the Sultanate of Kedah with kingdoms in Nusantara. This activity is also the actualization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which was signed on May 4, 2016 between ASEAN Studies Center UNS with Universiti Utara Malaysia.
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