Strengthening Branding Business Unit of Indonesian Village Migrant Community in Mojorejo Village, Karang Malang District, Sragen Regency

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Global Issue Study Group of International Relations Department, Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret with ASEAN Studies Center conducted a collaboration to organise a Focus Group Discussion alongside stakeholders in Mojorejo Village, Karangmalang District, Sragen Regency on 9 July 2022. Mojorejo village was one of the Productive Migrant Villages (Desa Migran Produktif/Desmigratif) launched by the Ministry of Manpower; most of the population are former Indonesian Migrant Workers (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/TKI), particularly the women who had decided to return to their hometowns after working in multi-country. These former Indonesian Migrant Workers established an association called Paguyuban TKI Mukti under a larger community at the district level, the Indonesian Migrant Families (KAMI/Keluaraga Migran Indonesia) Sragen. Afterwards, this association formed Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME/UMKM) with their own products, for instance, souvenirs and processed foods.

Having a discussion in the KAMI’s Secretariat focused on introducing the branding and packaging of MSME products, thus, enhancing the product’s attractiveness for consumers. This rising issue is the effect of the pandemic era that impacted to insignificantly of MSME products; for this reason, the branding was re-popularised accordingly. Ibu Nanik Sukoco as coordinator as well as head of the association in collaboration with the Community Services team led by Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan S.E., S.Ikom., M.Sc., PhD, not only discuss in considering of strategic branding aspects but also addresses the topic of the water tourism destination of the Kembangan Reservoir, which is also located in Mojorejo village. The existence of tourist destinations would encourage to supply of the MSME products market, such as souvenirs or local foods.

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