
Publication of Pusat Studi ASEAN

Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan, SE, S.Ikom., M.Si., Ph.D.

1Voting Behaviour Among Malaysian Students In Indonesia In The 13th Malaysian General Election2015
2Marine Research for Managing Conflict and Countering Climate Change Effect In The South China Sea: Case Study Of Anambas Expedition2016
3The Strategy of Kelompok Sadar Wisata to Develop Tourism Sector in Tanjung
4Penguatan Pemahaman Konsep Masyarakat Asean Di Kalangan Aparatur Kelurahan Kota Surakarta2017
5The diplomacy of scientific research in the South China Sea: the case of join to oceanographic marine scientific research expedition between Vietnam and the Philippines2018
6Scientific cooperation to respond climate change in the South China Sea: The study of tides and sea level change2018
7Nationalism in the border area: A portrait of Sebatik Island2018
8The Benefit of Joint Border Cooperation Between Malaysia and Indonesia Through Sosek-malindo Cooperation In North Kalimantan Province2018
9Searching Information of Asean Through Social Media Among College Student In Landak Regency2019
10The impact of climate change in tourism sector in Java Island: a literature review2020
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Moch Najib Imanullah, S.H.,M.H.,Ph.D.

1Kajian Pembatasan Modal Asing dalam Sektor Perbankan Indonesia dalam Rangka Pembangunan Perbankan Berdaya Saing Internasional2016
2Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah dalam Perjanjian Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (Kpr) pada PT. BTN (Persero) Cabang Surakarta2016
3Peran Dan Kedudukan Petani Dalam Sistem Perdagangan Internasional2016
4Aspects Of International And Domestic Law Pertaining To The Establishment Of Asean Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations: An Indonesian Perspective2018 
5International and Domestic Law Aspects of Cross-border Insolvency in Order to Establishing Cross-border Insolvency Regulation in ASEAN: Indonesian Perspective2018
6Electronic Money As A Legal Payment Instrument In Indonesia2018
7Perlindungan Hukum Ekspeditur Atas Pengiriman Produk Agrikultura Berdasarkan Sea Transport Agreement2018
8Implementation Of Guaranteed Stock On Stocks Of Go Public Limited Liability Companies Based On Legal Agreement In Indonesia2018
9The role of arbitration in promoting compliance to climate change law2018
10The Roles Of International Law On Technological Advances2018
11Applying Precautionary Principle in Fisheries Management2018
12The precautionary principle in fisheries management under climate change: How the international legal framework formulate it?2018
13Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Hak-Hak Anak Di Tempat Tinggal Setelah Pelaksanaan Adopsi Internasional Warga Negara Indonesia Oleh Warga Negara Asing (Intercountry Adoption)2019
14When the international investment law and environmental law are in crossroads: how to protect investors and environment in tobacco control case2020
15An Analysis on Farmer Rights in International Trade Under Indonesian Law2020
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Dr. Emmy Latifah, S.H.,M.H.

1Problematic Of Farmer Rights In International Food Trade2016
2Urgensi Penerapan Aturan Kepailitan Lintas Batas Berdasarkan Uncitral Model Law On Cross-Border Insolvency Di Asean2016
3Peran Dan Kedudukan Petani Dalam Sistem Perdagangan Internasional2016
4Analisis Pembentukan ASEAN Cross Border Insolvency Regulation sebagai Solusi Permasalahan Kepailitan Lintas Batas di ASEAN2017
5Penegakan Hukum Perdagangan Harimau Sumatera di Indonesia Berdasarkan Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES)2017
6Perkembangan Pengaturan Pengelolaan Perikanan Berkelanjutan Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional2017
7The precautionary principle in fisheries management under climate change: How the international legal framework formulate it?2018
8Aspects of International and Domestic Law Pertaining to the Establishment of ASEAN Cross-Border Insolvency Regulation: An Indonesian Perspective2018
9Corporation As The Actors Of Fisheries Crime In Indonesia2018
10Varying Application Of Most-Favoured-Nation Principle In International Investment Treaty2018
11Peran Asean Dalam Menanggulangi Terorisme di Laut Sebagai Ancaman Terhadap Keamanan Maritim2018
12The role of arbitration in promoting compliance to climate change law2018
13Aspects Of International And Domestic Law Pertaining To The Establishment Of Asean Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations: An Indonesian Perspective2018
14Law and justice for the oceans: Study on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and related crimes2018
15From illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing to transnational organised crime in fishery from an Indonesian perspective2018
16Trade War Between United State Of America And China Reviewed From The Retaliation Principle2019
17Urgensi Penetapan Besaran Deposito Berjangka Jaminan Reklamasi Dan Pasca Tambang Oleh Perusahaan Pertambangan Asing Di Indonesia2019
18ASEAN Banking Integration and Its Impacts to the Banking Industry in Indonesia2019
19Indonesian Monetary Regulation Regarding Chinese Electronic Payment in Indonesia2019
20Trade War Between United State Of America And China Reviewed From The Retaliation Principle2019
21Local Wisdom to International on Aviation Information in Javanese as an Effort of Law Enforcement to Achieve Aviation Safety and Aviation Security According to ICAO Standard2020
22Effect of Technology Development on Social Change and Tech-Driven Fraud in Indonesia.2020
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Dr. Leni Winarni, S.IP., M.Si.

1Could “Islam Nusantara” Avoids Terrorism in Indonesia?2016
2The Rohingya Muslim in the Land of Pagoda2017
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Lukman Fahmi Djarwono, S.IP., M.Si.

1Operation Sovereign Border: Kebijakan Australia sebagai Proteksi terhadap Ancaman dari Luar Negara2017
2Pencitraan Identitas Arab Saudi Ditengah Dinamika Konflik Timur Tengah Pasca Arab Spring2018
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Likha Sari Anggreni, S.Sos., M.Soc.Sc.

1Social Media Literacy Towards Students as an Early Solution to Prevent Global Terrorism2016
2The Importance of Social Media Literacy for Students in Globalization Age2017
3Teenagers, Online Media, and Hyperpersonal Communication: Preparing Teenagers on Facing Global Labor Demands in the Online Hoax News Era2018
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Randhi Satria, S.IP., M.A.

1Kebijakan Pemberantasan Peredaran Narkoba di Indonesia dan Meksiko: Sebuah Studi Perbandingan2016
2Combating Arms Smuggling as Terror Threat to State Security in ASEAN2017
3The Case of Sesama Art Space - Role of Cultural Diplomacy Actor in Community Development2017
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Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.I.P., M.Sc.

1Social Media Literacy Towards Students as an Early Solution to Prevent Global Terrorism2016
2Kebijakan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Terhadap TKI yang Terancam Hukuman Mati di Saudi Arabia Tahun 2010-20132016
3Upaya-Upaya Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Menangani Undocumented Workers Warga Negara Indonesia di Belanda Tahun 2009–20142017
4The Importance of Social Media Literacy for Students in Globalization Age2017
5Analisis Diplomasi Soft Power Denmark Terhadap Indonesia (Studi Tentang Kerja Sama Pengelolaan Lingkungan di Indonesia)2019
6Analysis of Samyang Instant Noodle’s Market in Indonesia Using The Impact of Uncertainty Avoidance by Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions2019
7A Study about Pork Farm in Surakarta as Export Commodity2019
8Government Regulation in Technology-Based Innovation Continuance2019
9Policies against COVID-19 and Impact on Business: The Case of Batam, Indonesia2020
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Muhnizar Siagian, M.I.Pol.

1Indonesian Interests in Bali Democracy Forum (BDF)2018
2Narcoterrorism in Afghanistan2018
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Andriko Sandria, SIP., MA.

1Combating Arms Smuggling as Terror Threat to State Security in ASEAN2017
2The Case of Sesama Art Space - Role of Cultural Diplomacy Actor in Community Development2017
3Viral Democracy Indonesian Social Media Discourses about MD3 Law2018
4Implementation of Global Governance on School Feeding in The Policy of School Children Nutrition Program (Pro-GAS) in 2018 in Kulon Progo Regency2021
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Theofilus Apolinaris Suryadinata, S.Fil., M.A.

1Artikulasi Politik Kewarganegaraan dalam Gerakan Keadilan Lingkungan di Kalimantan Tengah2017
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Arofah Minasari, S.S., M.A.

1Strategi Jaringan Advokasi Transnasional International Organization Of Migrant (IOM) Dalam Menanggulangi Isyu Human Trafficking Studi Kasus: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia2018
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Bintang Indra Wibisono, S.Hub.Int. M.A.

1Implikasi Globalisasi Dalam Pola Kekerasan Sektarianisme Di Indonesia2017
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Aulia Suminar Ayu, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom.

1Maximizing Garbage Clinical Insurance Adoption Through Communication Network2018
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