The ASEAN Study Center (PSA) LPPM UNS collaborated with HI FISIP UNS to hold a working visit to BRIDA Solo and Bapperida Sukoharjo on 10 September. During the visit, Mr. Agung Satyawan as Head of PSA gave a speech and presentation regarding PSA. PSA exists to voice regional interests to ASEAN, as well as being an accomplice of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be able to research regional potentials.
Secretary of BRIDA Solo, Mrs. Galuh Murya said that the invitation for cooperation from PSA was very interesting and beneficial for BRIDA. Currently, BRIDA already has a journal platform, called “Jurnal Bengawan Solo”, which has been published since 2022. Mr. Agung admitted that he was interested in the “Jurnal Bengawan Solo”, so it is very possible for joint research between PSA and BRIDA Solo.
The hope is that in the future there will be cooperation in the field of humanities, as is currently the focus of ASEAN, such as migration, development, gender and others. BRIDA Solo also expressed its desire to promote village identities according to their respective uniqueness, such as KB Village, Child Friendly, and Batik. The hope is that it can become a widely known identity like Pare, Kediri as an English Village.
Continue to the next visit, namely Bapperida Sukoharjo. Head of Bapperida Sukoharjo, Mr Rudiyanto said that Bapperida has collaborated with partners from universities, especially for KKN activities. Some of them are UNDIP, UNS, ITB, UNNES, and others. Currently, the challenge for Sukoharjo is stunting. Several survey sources are invalid, making it difficult for Bapperida to determine the next steps.
One of Sukoharjo’s potentials is Algae Spirulina which is equivalent to the protein of several eggs. Mr Rudi said that MSMEs were the strongest guard when Covid-19 hit. Sukoharjo already has around 10 MSME clusters, some of them are food and processed foods, rattan, furniture, and others. If in ASEAN there are regions that are reliable in developing this potential, it can be held to transfer knowledge. At the end of the session, Mr Rudi expressed his interest in collaborating with PSA, because it was seen as very beneficial for the region, especially for collaborating with abroad.