
On 10 July 2024, ASEAN Studies Center (PSA) LPPM UNS in collaboration with International Relation (IR) Study Program FISIP UNS conducted a working visit to Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Riset dan Inovasi Daerah (Bapperida) Sragen and Badan Perencanaan, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan (Baperlitbang) Karanganyar. This visit is in the context of research called Penelitian Penguatan Institusi (PPI) 2024, that aims to explore for potential issues, studies, and collaborations. Located in Bapperida Sragen, Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.IP., M.Sc, as an event coordinator, states three main objectives: explore the regional potential, strength interconnectivity through coordinated research, and build a good relations between PSA, IR, and the institutions. Head of Bapperida Sragen, Aris Tri Hartanto, S.STP and team warmly welcomed the visit and invitation for cooperations from PSA and IR. Aris mentions that regional issues and potential that could be used as study material is the agriculture sector, poverty, drought disaster, Batik Goyor, and Kemukus Mountain. Currently, Sragen is one of the national rice barn areas in Indonesia, however the poverty level is still relatively high, even the highest in Karesidenan Surakarta. The poverty spreads to other problem such as dropped-out childern (Anak Tidak Sekolah/ATS) and stunting. However, Sragen received the highest appreciation for its efforts to handle stunting. Septyanto commented that there was a need for studies related to structural and cultural poverty to find out the causes of this problem. Furthermore, PSA and IR UNS also held a working visit to Baperlitbang Karanganyar on the same day. Joko Suseno, ST., M.T., as (Plh)...
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International Relations (IR) Study Programs FISIP UNS and ASEAN Study Center LPPM UNS took part in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Network for Input between Stakeholders organized by the Directorate of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Cooperations (dit. KSBA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) of the Republic of Indonesia. IR Study Programs and ASEAN Study Center in the FGD is represented by Septyanto Galan Prakoso as a speaker and Bintang Intra Wibisono as a moderator. The activity with the theme “Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management in ASEAN” was held at the Grand Mercure Solo Baru Hotel, on Tuesday (16/07/2024). Lecture of IR FISIP UNS, Septyanto Galan Prakoso opened the FGD session by bringing sub-theme “Strengthening Cooperation on ASEAN Humanitarian Action: Academic Review”. He said that the cooperation on ASEAN humanitarian actions was practically good. This can be proven by the existance of many regional agreements, such as the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assictance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre) and the humanitarian actions provided, such as humanitarian aids during the Palu earthquake and Covid-19. However, in academic review, the cooperations still need to be improved, especially in research needs. He explained that the research related with the ASEAN humanitarian aids is still minimal. In fact, academic studies are really needed by government in dealing with this issue. “Therefore, we give the recommendations to optimize the role of ASEAN University Network (AUN) and ASEAN Youth in providing data-based policy related to humanitarian assistance,” explained Septyanto. In addition, Center for Multilateral Policy Strategy...
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Global Issue Study Group of International Relations Department, Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret with ASEAN Studies Center conducted a collaboration to organise a Focus Group Discussion alongside stakeholders in Mojorejo Village, Karangmalang District, Sragen Regency on 9 July 2022. Mojorejo village was one of the Productive Migrant Villages (Desa Migran Produktif/Desmigratif) launched by the Ministry of Manpower; most of the population are former Indonesian Migrant Workers (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/TKI), particularly the women who had decided to return to their hometowns after working in multi-country. These former Indonesian Migrant Workers established an association called Paguyuban TKI Mukti under a larger community at the district level, the Indonesian Migrant Families (KAMI/Keluaraga Migran Indonesia) Sragen. Afterwards, this association formed Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME/UMKM) with their own products, for instance, souvenirs and processed foods. Having a discussion in the KAMI’s Secretariat focused on introducing the branding and packaging of MSME products, thus, enhancing the product’s attractiveness for consumers. This rising issue is the effect of the pandemic era that impacted to insignificantly of MSME products; for this reason, the branding was re-popularised accordingly. Ibu Nanik Sukoco as coordinator as well as head of the association in collaboration with the Community Services team led by Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan S.E., S.Ikom., M.Sc., PhD, not only discuss in considering of strategic branding aspects but also addresses the topic of the water tourism destination of the Kembangan Reservoir, which is also located in Mojorejo village. The existence of tourist destinations would encourage...
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On March 26th, 2021 ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS organized a web seminar (webinar) titled “The Discussion of the Prospect for Democracy in Myanmar.” This webinar was held through a zoom video meeting to discuss the current situation of Myanmar and its prospect for democracy. ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS invited Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan, S.E., S.Ikom., M.Si., Ph.D., the peer group of ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS, and Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.I.P., M.Sc., lecturer of International Relations Study Program FISIP UNS, as the speaker for the webinar who has a great understanding and focus of study on the Southeast Asia. While for the moderator of the webinar, the center invited an outstanding student from Class 2017 of International Relations Study Program FISIP UNS, Mutiara Firsty Linggar Nagisa. The webinar started at 1.15 PM with a greeting from the moderator to the participants and speakers. At 1.25 PM the main event of the webinar began with the presentation from Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan, S.E., S.Ikom., M.Si., Ph.D. titled “Quo Vadis Democracy in Myanmar?.” He explained that the restoration of Myanmar to democracy could be done through four ways mentioned in the presentation and the restoration should be done carefully with step by step planning to reach a better stability. While the second speaker of the webinar, Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.I.P., M.Sc., brought forward the topic of “Myanmar: Complex Democracy (?)” as his presentation. He elaborated four requirements to fulfil in order for Myanmar to have a good democracy. On this...
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ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS has released the first volume of Journal titled Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond Vol. 1, No. 2 Year 2020. This second publication consisted of six selected journal articles. Those six journal articles titled as follows: Myanmar Government’s Response to the Emergency Condition of Humanity and Health Crisis in the COVID-19 Pandemic The Response of the Philippine Government in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis of Lao PDR’S Policy The Successful Policy of Lao PDR’S Policy on Responding COVID-19 Thailand Government Strategy and Policy in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis of the Response and Efforts of the Government of Vietnam in Tackling COVID-19 ASEAN Response to the COVID-19 in the Economic, Health and Tourism Sector For the full text of the journal articles mentioned, please click here. Shall you have any inquiries related to the Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please send us an email to If you are interested to get your article published in Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please click here and you will be forwarded to the Online Submission step.  
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ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS has released the first volume of Journal titled Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond Vol. 1, No. 1 Year 2020. This first volume consisted of six selected journal articles. Those six journal articles titled as follows: Potential and Threat Analysis Towards Cybersecurity in South East Asia Singapore in Efforts to Increase the Air Pollution Index The Effects of Politics and Humanity Issue on Tourism Sector Development in Myanmar The Role of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in trying Khmer Rouge Human Rights Offender in Cambodia Urgency of Indonesian Waters Area Protection from Illegal Unreported Unregulated Fishing ASEAN’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Political and Security Sector For the full text of the journal articles mentioned, please click here. Shall you have any inquiries related to the Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please send us an email to If you are interested to get your article published in Journal ASEAN Dynamics and Beyond, please click here and you will be forwarded to the Online Submission step.  
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Temanggung Regency has considerable potential tourism destinations, for instance natural and cultural tourism, which can encourage the establishment of many desa wisata (tourist villages). Through the establishment of desa wisata, the community can exhibit their village’s potential to attract domestic and foreign tourists. The more tourists visit desa wisata, the more plentiful the income local villagers can acquire. Desa Wisata Traji has many advantages, for instance the availability of springs flowing throughout the season which in turn has the potential to be developed as water recreation. The other potential spot for tourism in Desa Wisata Traji is the ritual tradition called suran which is held in every month of Sura (Muharam). Many tourists originating from outside of the region attended and participated in the ritual to pray for safety and good fortune throughout the year. This potential can be developed into a special interest of tourist destinations (destinasi wisata minat khusus). During the visit of ASEAN Studies Centre, the team led by Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan, S.E., S.IKom., M.Si., Ph.D, advised the local tourism awareness group – Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) – regarding the way to improve the management of tourist attractions as well as marketing strategy. The team also provided constructive suggestions to the related issue in order to prepare Desa Wisata Traji to deal and utilize the new normal of tourism.  
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On November 5, 2020, the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia visited the ASEAN Studies Centre LPPM UNS under the program of Coordinate and Collect the Data and Input to the Implementation Plan of ASEAN Consensus Action Plan 2021-2025. The representatives from the Ministry of Manpower of Republic of Indonesia, Gitmawati Rahmadewi served as the Introduction to Work, Ratri Nurinda served as the Foreign Agency Cooperation Analyst and Atik Widayani served as the Compiler of Domestic Institution Cooperation Materials, received and welcomed by Ign. Agung Satyawan and Andriko Sandria as the peer group and representatives of ASEAN Studies Centre LPPM UNS. The objective of the visitation is to seek an advice and input from academicians in ASEAN Studies Centre LPPM UNS related to the issues of education for the children whose parent are migrating within the ASEAN region. During the discussion, the representatives from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia stated that there are few programs related to the issues, for instance the Productive Migrant Village Pilot Project and Desa Migran Produktif (Desmigratif). But, they noted, that the Desmigratif program itself needs a further development and evaluation of the program. Concerned to the issues mentioned, Andriko Sandria stated that, “There is a need for identification/mapping of the migrant workers’ children, which one of them follow the parent to migrate or left behind in the hometown. In addition, the treatment standardization in ASEAN region related to the issue of the education for migrant workers’ children is...
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ASEAN Studies Centre UNS in collaboration with International Relations Study Program FISIP UNS held a Web Seminar (Webinar) to commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of ASEAN as well as to celebrate the International Youth Day on August 12, 2020. The webinar was carried with the theme “ASEAN from the Perspective of Young Progressive Scholars” and presented the representative of youth from ASEAN member states who pursue scholarship in Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS). The youth from ASEAN member states who were presented in the webinar as the speakers were dr. Yuzana Maung from Myanmar (Graduate student of Public Health Science UNS), Mr. Muhammad Danish from Malaysia (Undergraduate student of Electrical Engineering UNS) and Mr. Nguyen Thanh Dat from Vietnam (Student of Indonesian Language Course (BIPA) UNS). While the speakers from Indonesia represented by Ms. Femri Resdifianti, the undergraduate student of International Relations Study Program FISIP UNS. The moderator of the webinar was the undergraduate student from International Relations Study Program FISIP UNS, Ms. Mutiara Firsty Linggar Nagisa, who is the part of the youth and an active student academically. The webinar took place through Google Meet application on August 13, 2020 from 10 AM to 12 PM (GMT +7). The webinar started with the warm welcome from the Master of Ceremony (MC) and followed by the opening speech delivered by Mr. Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.IP., M.Sc as the head committee of the webinar as well as the representative from ASEAN Studies Centre UNS since the Head of ASEAN Studies Centre UNS cannot...
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In order to commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of ASEAN, the ASEAN Studies Centre UNS collaborated with Direktorat Jendral Kerjasama ASEAN Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia and Solo Radio to organize a talkshow with the theme, “Developing the Indonesia’s Creative Industry in ASEAN: the Potential of Indonesia’s Economy Creative to enter the ASEAN’s market.” The talkshow is hosted by Solo Radio 92.9 FM on August 7, 2020 at 4 – 5 PM (GMT +7) as well as through the IGTV Solo Radio. The talkshow presents Ahmad Adib as the speaker from ASEAN Studies Centre, Likha Sari Anggreni as the moderator, and Berlianto Situngkir as the speaker and Director of Kerjasama ASEAN Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Nearing the end of the talkshow, Ahmad Adib underlines the importance of millennial to encourage and promote the creative industry in Indonesia. He also added that the most significant manner to realize the development and successful creative industry in Indonesia is through a change of mindset. Indonesian youth should love, respect and comprehend the potential of Indonesia, for instance is the culture and the culinary, thus it will enable the creative industry in Indonesia to compete in the region.    
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