Book Review Discussion by Malaysian Expert, Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani: Kedah Dua Milenia

Pusat Studi Asean > Activities > Book Review Discussion by Malaysian Expert, Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani: Kedah Dua Milenia

ASEAN Studies Center on Friday (23/9/2016) held a seminar which consisted of book review titled “Kedah Dua Milenia” by Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani, Director of Institut Pemikiran Dr. Tun Mahathir Mohammad Universiti Utara Malaysia, and public lecture infront of students of International Relations Major FISIP, UNS. Speakers at this activity were the author of the book, namely Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani along with a historian from Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. A. Susanto and guided by the head of ASEAN Center Studies, Drs. Ign Agung Satyawan, SE, S.Ikom, MSi, PhD.

Through this seminar, the output expected was the establishment of a deeper mutual understanding between the two neighboring countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia, who have a long history of relation which proved with the affiliation of the Sultanate of Kedah with kingdoms in Nusantara. This activity is also the actualization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which was signed on May 4, 2016 between ASEAN Studies Center UNS with Universiti Utara Malaysia.

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