
On 10 July 2024, ASEAN Studies Center (PSA) LPPM UNS in collaboration with International Relation (IR) Study Program FISIP UNS conducted a working visit to Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Riset dan Inovasi Daerah (Bapperida) Sragen and Badan Perencanaan, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan (Baperlitbang) Karanganyar. This visit is in the context of research called Penelitian Penguatan Institusi (PPI) 2024, that aims to explore for potential issues, studies, and collaborations. Located in Bapperida Sragen, Septyanto Galan Prakoso, S.IP., M.Sc, as an event coordinator, states three main objectives: explore the regional potential, strength interconnectivity through coordinated research, and build a good relations between PSA, IR, and the institutions. Head of Bapperida Sragen, Aris Tri Hartanto, S.STP and team warmly welcomed the visit and invitation for cooperations from PSA and IR. Aris mentions that regional issues and potential that could be used as study material is the agriculture sector, poverty, drought disaster, Batik Goyor, and Kemukus Mountain. Currently, Sragen is one of the national rice barn areas in Indonesia, however the poverty level is still relatively high, even the highest in Karesidenan Surakarta. The poverty spreads to other problem such as dropped-out childern (Anak Tidak Sekolah/ATS) and stunting. However, Sragen received the highest appreciation for its efforts to handle stunting. Septyanto commented that there was a need for studies related to structural and cultural poverty to find out the causes of this problem. Furthermore, PSA and IR UNS also held a working visit to Baperlitbang Karanganyar on the same day. Joko Suseno, ST., M.T., as (Plh)...
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International Relations (IR) Study Programs FISIP UNS and ASEAN Study Center LPPM UNS took part in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Network for Input between Stakeholders organized by the Directorate of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Cooperations (dit. KSBA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) of the Republic of Indonesia. IR Study Programs and ASEAN Study Center in the FGD is represented by Septyanto Galan Prakoso as a speaker and Bintang Intra Wibisono as a moderator. The activity with the theme “Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management in ASEAN” was held at the Grand Mercure Solo Baru Hotel, on Tuesday (16/07/2024). Lecture of IR FISIP UNS, Septyanto Galan Prakoso opened the FGD session by bringing sub-theme “Strengthening Cooperation on ASEAN Humanitarian Action: Academic Review”. He said that the cooperation on ASEAN humanitarian actions was practically good. This can be proven by the existance of many regional agreements, such as the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assictance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre) and the humanitarian actions provided, such as humanitarian aids during the Palu earthquake and Covid-19. However, in academic review, the cooperations still need to be improved, especially in research needs. He explained that the research related with the ASEAN humanitarian aids is still minimal. In fact, academic studies are really needed by government in dealing with this issue. “Therefore, we give the recommendations to optimize the role of ASEAN University Network (AUN) and ASEAN Youth in providing data-based policy related to humanitarian assistance,” explained Septyanto. In addition, Center for Multilateral Policy Strategy...
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